Stock Photo: Shrine of St. Foy: Right Side


Image Details

Photo ID
Shrine of St. Foy: Right Side
The Shrine of St. Foy, on display in a small museum in the cloisters, dates from the late 9th century and is the only medieval shrine of its kind that survives today. Made of wood and covered entirely in gold and precious stones, the statue contains relics of the saint's skull in its back. The shrine originally stood at the east end of the abbey church, where medieval pilgrims on their way to Santiago de Compostela stopped to pray for a safe journey and other blessings. In 1010, a clergyman named Bernard d'Angers recorded the scene before the statue:
" The crowd of people prostrating themselves on the ground was so dense it was impossible to kneel down... When they saw it for the first time, all in gold and sparkling with precious stones and looking like a human face, the majority of the peasants thought that the statue was really looking at them and answering their prayers with her eyes. "
Holly Hayes
  All Rights Reserved
Date Created
July 7, 2008
Date Added
December 1, 2009
Last Updated
March 6, 2024
44.5989670° N, 2.3977230° E
Canon EOS 40D
Focal Length
30 mm
File Size
3.7 MB
Full Resolution
3888 x 2592 pixels

Image Location